Saturday 18 May 2013

Y9 Everett Entrepreneurs

A car wash, shoeshine, Father’s Day cards and a host of food-based concepts are among the businesses springing up at Shiplake College run by entrepreneurial Y9 pupils. 
Given a £10 note by Young Enterprise, for their Tenner competition, the aspiring moguls started up their businesses on 1st May. They have exactly one month to boost the bottom line.’ 
At the end of the month the load is repaid and it is suggested that £1 is paid to the Tenner Bank to fund next year’s competition: essentially a tax on profits. Corporation Tax hits at an early age nowadays. 
Darius Bluck, Head of Economics and Business at Shiplake College and Everett tutor said, ‘The rules are simple. No loans, no gambling, no illegal activities. But best of all if the teacher says NO, then so do the rules.’

I am pleased to say Everett Y9 have all shown an interest in this competition, Everett businesses include shoe shining, selling ice creams and a snack and drink venture.
Photo left to right:  Austin Burnand, Josh Hirst