Thursday 28 November 2013

Winter Concert

On Wednesday evening in front of packed audience in the sports hall, Everett musicians (and a few from other Houses!) gave us a great nights entertainment. Opening the evening was an energetic performance on the drums and accomplished piano playing by Josh and Eleanor in the Motown bands rendition of Feeling Good. Willing? conscripts to the Headmaster’s choir, Kieran, Freddie and Charlie were up next with Come from Heaven above. Lucy, Emma and Eleanor performed a very tuneful and enjoyable seasonal favourite Let it Snow with the girls’ choir, hot on their heels were the Rock choir – Josh on percussion, Robbie, Chris, Gus, and Oran on vocals with two contemporary songs, Things we lost in the fire and Counting stars. They were followed by the Chamber choir with Birthday Carol – Robbie, Chris and Josh singing well. Finally Chris, Josh and Greg in the Senior orchestra played The Planets medley followed by an energetic rendition of Sleigh ride.