Monday 10 September 2012

First week

A busy and full on week to start the term well, I am very pleased with how well the new Y9 have settled in and how well the majority of boys and girls have started the new academic year.


Last Wednesday the new Y9 had an evening of bonding and challenges organised by the resident tutors of Burr, Everett and Welsh Houses. Unfortunately the overnight camp on the Island had to be cancelled, but the boys were kept busy with competitions in the pool (with a winning ‘Trawl’ by new Y9 Henry Birdsey!), followed by wide games by the river and camp fire building. They then cooked a late night snack of burgers and baked potatoes followed by the classic fire treat of toasted marshmallows.
On Friday the whole House joined Burr for an evening of paintballing mayhem. Despite being outnumbered Everett held their own in both the Junior (Y9 and Y10) and Senior (Y11 – 13) competitions. A very bruised and battered Housemaster tried his best to join in, and was pleasantly surprised not to be shot at by his own team!
On Sunday several Everett boys were involved in a Senior NCO training event for the CCF Contingent. The following have all been given appointments to lead the Junior Cadre training - Kit Bowerin Platoon commander, Michael Glover, Jack Madden, James Tolley and Frankie Paolella-Kemp Platoon Section Leaders. Army OiC Captain George Seccombe singled out Jack Madden as having made the best progress in developing his leadership skills on the day.


The whole school sponsored walk from Moulsford to Shiplake takes place on the 24th of September. Pupils have been asked to bring completed sponsorship forms in for checking on Monday 17th September. We are raising money for four very worthwhile causes so please encourage your sons and daughters to raise as much as possible.


Y9 finish school this Saturday at 12.00 following the early fixtures against Reading Bluecoat, 1030 KO at home.