Sunday 10 June 2012

Half Term

It was good to welcome all the boys back after half term, glad to see there was lots of work done by Y11 and all seemed to have enjoyed the break. It certainly passed quickly and now there are just two and a half weeks to go until the end of the academic year!
National Schools Regatta – there were lots of Everett boys involved in racing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. All competed well in some tough races with many qualifying for finals. However special mention must go to our medal winners, Silver for Will Urquhart in the J14B octuple and Bronze for Oran Mehmet in the 3rd XIII; well done.
For those not at NSR the last day of term saw a BBQ lunch and then ice cream and games on the front field, with everyone sporting a red, white and blue theme. Out and out winner of best dressed went to Tosh Farnborough pictured below with Karen.
Not quite as competitive as the rowing, but hard fought none the less were the egg and spoon and sack races. In the egg and spoon event Everett A team Myles Everett, Kit Bowerin, Freddie Lang and Anthony Miarli came second, whilst the Everett A sack team of James Baker, Ben Markham, Donal Borg-Neal and Kit Bowerin also finished second!  Unfortunately the Everett B team in both events, Matthew and Sophie Lawson, came last, but they tried!