Friday, 4 April 2014

AS drama production - Home

This year’s AS Theatre Studies Drama Production has been challenging for both participants and audiences. Taking a series of scenes from Tuesday September 11th 2001 the actors tell not just the story of the attack on New Yorks’ Twin Towers but also of the difficult ensuing years.

Everett’s Luke Wilkinson takes on several roles but is most memorable as a member of a Beatles tribute band waiting at the airport with a most authentic Liverpudlian accent.

Hours of intensive preparation and rehearsal paid dividends with some tight choreography as the actors frantically race round a chaotic airport or indulge in frenetic speed-dating as they try to re-build their lives.

Ultimately a scene in the gift shop at Ground Zero shows how loss and poignancy endure. Visitors emerge moist eyed after a traumatic tour which reminds them of those victims who jumped to their death.