Monday, 16 January 2012

Gliding Scholarship

Congratulations to Oran Mehmet on being awarded an RAF Gliding Scholarship this Easter.
Well Done!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Spring term Sunday Service

Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a good Christmas break, term has started well and most pupils have quickly settled back into the school routine.
The spring term is a busy one and I thought I would take the opportunity to give plenty of notice of the forthcoming Everett House Mothering Sunday service in the Great Hall on the 18th March starting at 10.30am.
Once a year each House organises a Sunday Chapel and this year Everett have been asked to run the Mothers Day service. Everett pupils are expected to attend and it would be lovely to see as many families there as possible. The service will be followed by tea and coffee in the OVR and should finish in plenty of time for families to go out for lunch and enjoy the rest of the day together.
I look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards
Grant Lawson