Friday 28 May 2010

Music BTEC has the Tithe Barn Rocking

Anyone attending the Music BTEC concert last night would have had a smile on their face by the end of the evening! It was great fun and some great performances were given. Our own Fred Mallin (Y12) looked cool and accomplished on the bass guitar during renditions of some classic rock tunes. Hannah Fitzgerald (Y13 Everett girl) led the way with some wonderful dancing!!!

Half-Term Holiday

Half-Term is here but most boys will be using the holidays to revise for their final few examinations. Not long to go now and then they can enjoy a well earned rest! These final few days and weeks of revision can be very important so the more encouragement they can be given the better.

Boys Y11 will be free to go home after their final examination until Wednesday 30th June when they should return by midday.

Boys in Y12 will be free to go home until the evening of Tuesday 15th June when they will return for the HE week (see separate email for details). They will then have a week of work experience and if they are not on site for this they must return by Wednesday 30th June.

Enjoy the holiday!!

Excellent Academic Effort

Many Congratulation go to Ed Allen (Y12) and Rowland Young (Y11) both of whom received Headmaster's Awards for effort in assembly on Tuesday this week. This comes at exactly the right time and lets hope their efforts are rewarded when the exam results come through this summer!!

Monday 24 May 2010

Success in the Athletics

Congratulations go to our Senior Athletic team who came 2nd overall in the House Athletics Standards that took place over the last two weeks. The Juniors appeared to have mis-understanding about their requirement to compete in all events which cost them dear in the overall placings. Many did work hard, including Tom Clark running the 100m here, achieving an A standard!

(Sorry this is my first blog for some time! I hope to be better over the rest of the term!!)